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Themen - bingo600


Using : launchpad arm-gcc
gcc version 4.8.4 20140526 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 211358] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)

When compiling McBetty/McBetty/scart_image/boop.orig

I get a linker error
/home/cfo/arm/arm-gcc/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q2/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: Warning: alignment 1 of symbol `default_RFsettings' in cc1100/rf.thumb.o is smaller than 4 in infrared/ir_rf.thumbunopt.o

I think there is a wrong definiton in  cc1100/rf.h

To solve : In McBetty/McBetty/scart_image/boop.orig/cc1100/rf.h

Change :

const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings;


extern const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings;

The struct is declared and initialized in rf.c , but actually also defined  in the above rf.h

const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings =
0x01, //address
0x01 //channel

The same error is in the current boop svn (rev 60)

Does that make sense ??


Added the makefile & linkerfile used for McBetty (boop.orig) , overwrite the files from svn
Added makefile for 8051 scart_image


If you want to use the arm launchpad compiler

see here

Hardware / Betty Schaltplan/Schematic
22. Nov 2012, 17:40
Hi Guyzz

Does anyone have a schematic of the Betty ?

I'm quite sure i saw a user on  pasting a part of  a schematic.

I was wondering if it was public available ?


Sonstiges / Neues user
20. Nov 2012, 22:41
Hallo forum

Ich komme von Dänemark, und meiner schule deutch sind nicht gut  :)

Ich habe gestern einer 1-pack Bettys bestellt von asgard , und warte die ankunft nach Dänemark.
Hoffentlich im 8..10 tages zeit.

Ich habe die Boop trunk angepasst zum die neue Codesourcery arm-none-eabi toolchain.
Aber habe kein hw zum testen am  :(

Sind die forum interssiert im die änderungen ?
