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Nachrichten - bingo600


Using : launchpad arm-gcc
gcc version 4.8.4 20140526 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_8-branch revision 211358] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)

When compiling McBetty/McBetty/scart_image/boop.orig

I get a linker error
/home/cfo/arm/arm-gcc/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q2/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: Warning: alignment 1 of symbol `default_RFsettings' in cc1100/rf.thumb.o is smaller than 4 in infrared/ir_rf.thumbunopt.o

I think there is a wrong definiton in  cc1100/rf.h

To solve : In McBetty/McBetty/scart_image/boop.orig/cc1100/rf.h

Change :

const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings;


extern const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings;

The struct is declared and initialized in rf.c , but actually also defined  in the above rf.h

const struct RFsettings_ default_RFsettings =
0x01, //address
0x01 //channel

The same error is in the current boop svn (rev 60)

Does that make sense ??


Added the makefile & linkerfile used for McBetty (boop.orig) , overwrite the files from svn
Added makefile for 8051 scart_image


ich habe die Einstellungen für die Toolchain von Launchpad aus dem vorherigen Beitrag eingecheckt

Thanx  ;)

Brauch doch die neue arm launchpad compiler

See for new make & linkerfile

Copy (replace) the files from the archive to boop/trunk , and it will work wit the launchpad compiler

No need for external libs etc

Nice to hear that it works  ;)


If you want to use the arm launchpad compiler

see here


I haven't loaded the firmware , just checkked that it could/would build


My old makefiles were here

Diffs against svn is in diff.txt

Seems like he's switched to summon

From the "repos"
boop    2013-04-16    gunnarhenne    [r57] Anpassung an summon ARM toolchain

svn checkout svn:// boopfirmware-code

I just compiled the trunk with the attached Makefile & linker-file.

I used this "arm launchpad" compiler , a newer one might also work
gcc version 4.7.4 20130913 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 202601] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)

It's strange that the makefile creator keeps using ld for linking and not gcc
That is NOT the recommended way , and that's why he has to specify those libraries manually.

I have corrected to use gcc as linker

Have fun

Ps: You have to adapt this line in the makefile , to point on there you have installed the arm-gcc toolchain
ARMBASE = $(HOME)/arm/arm-gcc/arm-gcc/

Sonstiges / Re: Neues user
30. Nov 2012, 23:30
Hi Siegfried

Thanx , but i know that url WS pointed me to it here  ;)

I actually got the Bettys as a remote to my upcomming homeautomation , where i use RFM12 433Mhz radios. The Bettys are perfect as user interface & displayunits.

Now i need some guidance in the Menu system & in the CC1100 to RFM12 communication.

Sonstiges / Re: Neues user
30. Nov 2012, 17:48
I succeded in getting Codesourcery to compile also

I added -nostartfiles and -mthumb-interwork

LDFLAGS = -mthumb-interwork -nostartfiles -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker -Tlpc2220_rom.ld

And added a section to the linkerfile

I also got a 16'pack - to Dänemark.
No problems

Sonstiges / Re: Neues user
28. Nov 2012, 21:52
More files

Including a working firmware , made today

Ohh the lpctool binary is build under Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit

Sonstiges / Re: Neues user
28. Nov 2012, 21:51
I have succeded in compiling the boop/trunk under Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)

I didn't succed in using Codesourcery Lite , maybe because it hasn't got any interwork libraries.

So i used the suggested Ronetix Toolchain from here

Extract the above toolchain somewhere.

I had to modify a bit in the makefile , so copy the Makefile.local from the into the boop/trunkdir.

Adapt the below line in the Makefile.local , po point at where the armlelf directory of the toolchain is
ARMBASE = ${HOME}/arm/arm-gcc/arm-elf

Do a : make clean all

Connect your 3v3 serialadapter to the Betty (I had to cross the RX & TX lines)
Put your Betty in bootloader mode (I do it manually)

1: Connect Bootloader-pin to Gnd
2: Connect Reset-Pin to Gnd
3: Disconnect Reset-Pin from Gnd
4: Disconnect Bootloader-pin from Gnd

First now ... Start the lpctool program

lpctool -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -i -v -e -a boop_rom.bin

And away you go .....

After the Upload , connect/disconnrct reset to Gnd , and Betty shows.

Hope it helps a bit

Sonstiges / Re: Neues user
28. Nov 2012, 17:23
Update ...

Got my Bettys today - Thnx asgaard
