Sorry for hijacking this thread in English, please feel free to respond in German, I will try to understand.
I'm trying to program the remote using the Bus Pirate and cannot get anywhere. What I've tried so far:
- UART bridge in 38400 baud using the recompiled lpctool. It gets stuck at "awaiting autobaud response"
- avrdude with "buspirate" device configuration and ATTiny13 (as shown in wiki). It receives a 0x000000 chip signature
- avrdude with STK500 clone firmware on the bus pirate (communication error)
- a standard USB-UART cable I had lying around (I think it requires a level inverter)
I'm putting the remote in BL mode as described in the Wiki: put batteries into remote, it boots into normal mode, connect BL to GND, connect RST to GND, wait two seconds, disconnect RST, disconnect BL. The remote is showing a blank screen and in the UART terminal (38400 baud) I see that upon pressing the enter key I get some kind of echo (but it does not look like \r\n) and another character like "Ü".
For the avrdude I connected CS to RST and CLK to BL, everything else normal. The RX and TX are not reversed because I see the boot traces.
Can someone advise me how to proceed with this? I have ordered a USB-TTL transceiver but it will take a while until I receive it.