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Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by bingo600 - 10. Jun 2014, 15:52
Nice to hear that it works  ;)

Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by balou1974 - 05. Jun 2014, 05:56
@bingo600: Thanks a lot!!!!

My first try did not work because I am having the SWISSCOM-variant, I had to uncomment the SWISSCOM define in keyboard/keyboard.h but after doing that and make clean all followed by make, everything worked out fine!

regards balou
Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by balou1974 - 04. Jun 2014, 22:24
Hello bingo600!!!

I downloaded the launchpad-toolchain modified your makefile for my needs (other path) and the firmware was build without error!!!
Hopefully it will work when I try it using betty ;)

regards and lot of thanks!!!!

Ps. I will report if it is working fine
Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by balou1974 - 03. Jun 2014, 22:32
Thanks! I will try again with your mentioned thoughts  ;)
Software / Betty für arm-launchpad compil...
Last post by bingo600 - 03. Jun 2014, 21:24

If you want to use the arm launchpad compiler

see here

Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by bingo600 - 03. Jun 2014, 21:18

I haven't loaded the firmware , just checkked that it could/would build


My old makefiles were here

Diffs against svn is in diff.txt
Software / Re: Betty erstanden (Juni 2014...
Last post by bingo600 - 03. Jun 2014, 21:05

Seems like he's switched to summon

From the "repos"
boop    2013-04-16    gunnarhenne    [r57] Anpassung an summon ARM toolchain

svn checkout svn:// boopfirmware-code

I just compiled the trunk with the attached Makefile & linker-file.

I used this "arm launchpad" compiler , a newer one might also work
gcc version 4.7.4 20130913 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 202601] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)

It's strange that the makefile creator keeps using ld for linking and not gcc
That is NOT the recommended way , and that's why he has to specify those libraries manually.

I have corrected to use gcc as linker

Have fun

Ps: You have to adapt this line in the makefile , to point on there you have installed the arm-gcc toolchain
ARMBASE = $(HOME)/arm/arm-gcc/arm-gcc/

Software / Betty erstanden (Juni 2014!!!)...
Last post by balou1974 - 03. Jun 2014, 06:59

ich habe tatsächlich noch eine Betty erstanden, allerdings ohne TAE- und Scart-Adapter. Ich habe versucht "BOOP" zu bauen aus den Sourcen (aktuelles Repository) aber leider habe ich keine passende aktuelle Toolchain gefunden. Bei CodeSourcery (Mentor) bekommt man leider nicht alle Toolchain zu sehen und die zuerst aufgeführeten Tools bekomme ich nicht installiert ... Allerdings habe ich nach etwas suchen im Forum diese Toolchain entdeckt . Verwendet die Jemand und was muss noch angepasst werden?

Gruss Balou
Hardware / Re: Betty Schaltplan/Schematic
Last post by xenpac - 27. Apr 2014, 17:35
I havent seen any schematic around. But you can deduct most things from the Pinout description of the LPC2220 on the Bettyhacks wiki page.
The IR receive has some operational amplifier/comparator to shape the receive signal going to the processor pin.

If someone really has a schematic, great, post your work here!
Hardware / suche noch Bettys
Last post by xenpac - 27. Apr 2014, 17:16
Hallo liebe Gemeinde,

Ich suche noch Bettys  (nur die eigentliche FB). gerne 16er Pack oder so.

Gruß xenpac
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