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Nachrichten - fred

Software / Re: Fehler - BOOP kompileren
19. Mär 2008, 18:04
Hi thnx for your reply!

I'm trying to get this done under vista

I did change the settings in the file you suggested and copied that to "makefile.local"

somewhere in the makefile is written that settings in makefile.local is overruling the ones which are default in the makefile
this is working because do I recognize my settings which are listed during the make process.

I will compare the content of your file with mine to see if I can find any strange differences anyway!

my downloaded makefile.local.winarm was not pointing to LIBPATH=$(ARMBASE)/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.2/interwork
my makefile was pointing to -lgcc instead of -llibgcc
your file is pointing to 4.1.2  the level of my winarm is 4.1.1

last problem was the same one this topic started with. Got the library from the linux crosschain and now the whole make process ends with exit 0  !!!

Next I have to see what the most easiest way is to get the firmware into Betty.. :-\
When that all works I can find out what I want to change :)
Software / Re: Fehler - BOOP kompileren
19. Mär 2008, 10:42
Hi you all, (sorry for writing in english. reading German is no problem for me however so if you reply to this post you can stick to German if you like :) )

I just downloaded the source 'trunk' and tried to make the whole project using winarm.
To get them I used "svn checkout svn://" as suggested in the wiki pages

When I do a makeall everything seems to work fine up to the linking process.
During this step I also have a problem.

the message is: /WinARM//bin/arm-elf-ld: cannot find -lgcc

what I did
1/ looking for a gcc library but I can't find any in the winarm lib folders
2/ changed -lgcc in the makefile in  -llibgcc
    same error
   the path being used in the makefile is -L/winarm/WinARM//arm-elf/lib/interwork/
3/ there's also a /winarm/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/interwork folder
    When I change the path to this one I get the same errors ( hardware\software FP ) as in this post

the questions I have are
is the -lgcc indeed wrong and should it be libgcc
should the library path be /winarm/lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.1.1/interwork  instead of /winarm/WinARM//arm-elf/lib/interwork/
and if so should I also get the libgcc library from the linux library

Are the sources I downloaded the most actual ones or should I get the from somewhere else?

Hopefully you can give me some help to get going..!

Software / Re: boop svn - aufgeraeumt
15. Jan 2008, 13:12
Hi Chris

You are pointing to svn:// but when I try to do a checkout it's failing with the message
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

I'm using TurtoiseSVN (winxp) for this.

You probably know why.... :)

Can you tell me what to do to get the whole trunk?
